Well as I sat down to write out a blog for the first time in awhile and take a chance to reflect on my semester I noticed that my most recent blog was a list of goals that I had for the semester. I had forgotten that I even had a list, let alone posted it here on my blog! Which my initial thought after seeing them was that can’t be a good sign in terms of reaching them if I didn’t even remember the fact I had them (first lesson, not only should one make their goals known, but keep them on you at all times for reminder!). Though now that I know they were there at one point, my effort to reflect and filter my thoughts of such a long semester can be simplified as I can look at it in terms of the goals themselves. Here is a shortened version of the goals (see my last post) and my thoughts about how I did on each one:
1. Set aside time EVERY DAY for scripture reading and prayer.
Sadly I was unable to keep this goal. God was extremely gracious and from the start of the semester through the entire month of October, I only missed one day of devotions during that time. God had really set it on my heart to make this a priority in my life and He really shined through and gave me a love for Him and His word. But once the busyness of life hit, devotion time took a back seat; arguably during the time I needed it most. I was nowhere near the consistency I had those first two months. In fact, in my prayer journal from the time of November 1st to the end of the semester, I only count 3 entries. That’s not to say I only spent that time in prayer as there were definitely times where I just didn’t use the prayer journal, but that does show a lack of consistency, 3 entries in the last month in a half compared to the 79 entries or so of the first two and a half months, (from august 12th to October 31st).
2. Be more intentional about everything: relationships, church, schoolwork, and even rest.
This is a tough goal to evaluate, I definitely feel I did better in some areas, but still came up short a lot, though I would say my over all intentionality did increase. Though sometimes certain aspects of life came to a clash. For example, in my effort to maintain relationships and do well in school, I spent very little time sleeping this semester. Sleep is something I hope to get more of this coming semester, as I know it actually important, and being well rested allows me to make the most of the time I have for fellowship with friends and better conquer my schoolwork.
Relationally, this semester was yet another roller coaster. Which I think relationships are always going to be tough, why wouldn’t they be? Relationships are at very the center of our existence, starting with the relationship that existed in the Trinity from eternity past. “It is not good for man to be alone.” We were created to relate to our creator and to relate to those around us. The greatest commandments, Love God and Love people are relational in nature. That being said, we shouldn’t be shocked that because of our sin nature, they are difficult and take a lot of work. Learning how to relate to others and serve them best is one of the most difficult things we can ever attempt to do. One thing God was gracious enough to show me this year is I struggle with listening to people and learning to understand them. I am quick to relate their struggles to mine making myself the topic of conversation, interrupt and offer my 2 cents, and do various other things that makes it so I am no longer counting others as more important as myself. The funny thing about myself is, I love spending time with people, and I am very loyal to the friendships I do have, so this is clearly something I need to work on if I hope to be an encouragement to others and properly point them to Christ.
Academically this was simultaneously my hardest and best semester. Maybe not in terms of GPA, but in the effort and taking school seriously, by God’s grace I definitely made strives of improvement. I can say without a doubt, I worked my freaking butt off. God was once again gracious and gave me eyes to see getting an education as something we do so that we can be better tools for Gods purposes, either in helping out the church, or being a light to this dark world. I also was able to see the importance of working hard and being diligent about school so that I could make more of the relationships He brought into my life. Of course I had my missteps, see: Thanksgiving break, but this was easily an area that fruit flourished.
Church wise, it was not much different than last year. I love my church family here in Santa Clarita, and being able to worship with them on Sundays and bible study during the week (when I can make it) is always a blessing.
3. Memorize more scripture.
Completely whiffed on this one, definitely need to figure out something to memorize for next semester and maybe somebody to do it with.
4. Work out 3-5 times a week/Eat healthier.
Similar to the state of my devotions, the first 2 and a half months of school I was working out extremely consistently, and even found a new love in Ultimate Frisbee, but as the busyness picked up, taking time to take care of my body went down.
5. Have a senior year that I do not regret.
Though this semester was the toughest one I have gone through, both relationally and academically (18 units of 300 and 400 level classes), I would never change it for the world. God stretched me in almost every aspect of my life, and once again showed me the importance of relying on Him. Interestingly, in times where I wasn’t the most consistent about working on my relationship with the Lord and moved into a mindset where I took control, is where life was the hardest by far. But God has used it to show me how much more I do need Him, and how much more of my life needs to be surrendered to Him completely. It’s not that I have to give Him yet another part of my life and work Him into it, it’s that I need to work my life around Him and His purposes, forsaking myself and trusting that He is going to provide and has the best set out for me.
What a semester it was though... I cannot wait to see what God has in store for me during this break and then (Lord willing) MY FINAL SEMESTER OF MY UNDERGRADUATE COLLEGE CAREER!!!
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