It doesn’t even feel like the same summer anymore. In just
two and a half weeks, life has really begun to pick up, and it has been
fantastic! This past week was training for the Soaring Over Seven summer camp
for children special needs, and I can’t wait for it to actually start on
Monday! While some moments were boring and seemed to drag on, it was nice to
get to know my coworkers before things got started, we learned quite a bit
about handling various situations we may encounter, be it with a camper, counselor,
or volunteer, and on a side note it was also nice to get on a fairly healthy
schedule. My coworkers seem great and I hope many friendships can be formed
this year just like last.
As for my schedule, I’ve been going to bed between 9:30 and
10:00, waking up between 5:30 and 6:00. This first week has been tough in terms
of the schedule, as my circadian rhythm needed a huge reset (your internal
biological clock), but as the days went by things have begun to get easier, to
the point that today I woke up at 6 as well. I’ve been consistently getting to
work about an hour early, and that has provided a great opportunity to do my
devotions for the day, which on top of learning about my Lord and Savior, it
has helped prepare my mind and heart for the day, which is something I know I
will need greatly come the actual camp. Depending on what I am doing that
evening, I have either been going straight home from camp where I have
read/worked out till it was time to go to bed, or headed to Starbucks and read
until the event for the evening, such as Wednesday night church, or Tuesday
night was the birthday party of a dear friend of mine. Even though it has only
been a week, having this schedule, I can honestly say I just feel better,
through the grace of God my outlook on life has become more positive, and I
have felt a lot more driven to make something of my time. I hope and pray this can continue as
after the camp, for my full time job becomes looking for a full time job, and
while I still am unsure of what I’d like to do, through my time in the
scriptures and prayer, God has been showing me His faithfulness and I am far
less anxious than earlier this summer, knowing that He will provide one all in
His perfect timing, and will place me where I need to be. Granted that does not
mean I don’t have to be faithful in looking, in fact I would argue it’s the
opposite, even more so I need to search diligently, realizing that in the end
it’s all in His hands and everything will be ok.
In terms of the scriptures, I’ve mainly been in Proverbs and
1st Peter. Continuing my normal schedule of a proverb a day based on the date,
and then my young adult bible study on Sunday nights has begun 1st peter, so
I’ve been trying to read the whole book once or twice through each day for the
month we’re studying it. Two major things have stood out so far as I’ve been
reading through the book. The first is the reason we love others is because
Jesus Christ has saved us. Chapter 1:22-25 states “Having purified your souls
by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one
another earnestly from a pure heart, since you have been born
again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living
and abiding word of God; for “All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of
grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains
forever.” And this word is the good news that was preached to you.” This
idea presents itself elsewhere in scripture as well, 1st John 4:19 tells us
that we love because He first loved us. The second thing that stands out is the
fact that Peter tells them to submit to and honor their authorities, and strive
through the persecution they are receiving as it’s actually a blessing (if
they’re doing good) and that in the end they will receive Christ! It stands out
because in 21st century America we as Christians sometimes complain greatly
about the political party in office, but we must remember, Obama is no Nero!
Obama is not out burning Christians and openly allowing their persecution. Even
as religion is becoming more private and in our culture continually being
pushed out of the public sphere, we can still worship God freely. Persecution
is probably on it’s way as we see our society moving further and further away
from God, and we must be ready for it, but for now we still have a great
blessing to worship as we do, and must use that to stand out to world as
followers of Christ even more.
For pleasure I’ve been slowly making my way through Lord of
the Rings, I am now about halfway through The Two Towers, such an amazingly
written and captivating story. I’ve also been reading Leading with Love by
Alexander Strauch. Using 1st Corinthians 13 as his basis, Strauch goes through
what love looks like and how that should be played out in a leadership
position. This book has been a great reminder and picture of loving leadership
as I am in a position of authority at the camp, having an assistant
coordinator, two senior counselors, 4 counselors and any volunteers to oversee,
as well as look after the kids! It’s been convicting in areas I have failed at
many times before, and encouraging as it constantly reminds me to go to Christ
and seek His and the Holy Spirit’s help!
Well that’s all I have for you today, as always thank you so
much for reading! Please be praying that God will provide the grace, wisdom,
and patience that will be needed to make it through each day at camp, and that
He will use this month to stretch and challenge me greatly, forcing me to
depend on Him even more. If there is anything I can be praying for you about
feel free to send me a message and let me know!
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